CornWall | FRONT®
Digital Symbiosis in Ceramic Crafts | Crafts Council Nederland
From Hardware to Software | Atelier Néerlandais
Tactile Totems in Wood | Dutch Invertuals
3D Rugs | CS Rugs
Monumental Surface | Dutch Invertuals
Rough skins | Ecco Leather
Studio Nina van Bart is a mood-based and visionary design studio in The Hague. Through the interplay of colour, texture, and space, the studio creates tactile and serene designs that seamlessly blend creativity with purpose.
Studio Nina van Bart is a mood-based and visionary design studio in The Hague. Through the interplay of colour, texture, and space, the studio creates tactile and serene designs that seamlessly blend creativity with purpose.
Studio Nina van Bart is a mood-based and visionary design studio in The Hague. Through the interplay of colour, texture, and space, the studio creates tactile and serene designs that seamlessly blend creativity with purpose.